For over 15 years I have been coaching people to find their
voice and get clear about their purpose, so that they can stand up,
speak their truth and be seen as their authentic selves.
With a background in applied psychology and counselling, I am fascinated
by human behaviour. I have a deep understanding of how to inspire people
to inspire themselves.
I embody and lead with the importance of language, mindset, self-care,
and with a mission to dismantle beliefs that no longer serve.
I have been told that one of my strengths is the ability to create
order out of chaos and that the essence of my work is empowering you
to become confident and courageous, truly connecting to the people I serve.
I am an Accredited Professional Coach (PCC) with both ICF and the CCF.
I hold a Certificate of Organizational Coaching (COC) from the University of BC
alongside numerous certifications in Neuroscience, including NLP|LOA
and the Connection Practice.